Episode 102: Baby Psychic Storytime: Intuition, Psychic Development, and Music Festivals with Aisia Love

102. Baby Psychic Storytime: Intuition, Psychic Development, and Music Festivals with Aisia Love

In this episode, the hosts interview Aisia Love, a psychic light worker with a background in clinical psychology. Aisia shares her journey from childhood to developing her psychic abilities, including her experiences with intuition, energy cleansing, and light language activation. Aisia's path to understanding her gifts was marked by personal challenges and self-discovery. She discusses her methods of intuitive guidance and offers insights into how everyone can harness their innate abilities. She also delves into her transformative experiences with psychedelics and the interconnectedness of all beings. This episode highlights Aisia's mission to help others awaken to their own psychic potential. Listeners are invited to explore their own intuitive senses and the possibilities of a magical life.


00:56 Aisia's Childhood and Family Background

01:45 Discovering Psychic Abilities

03:01 Aisia's Early Psychic Experiences

03:39 Developing and Trusting Intuition

05:59 Embracing Psychic Abilities

10:52 Aisia's Teenage Psychic Awakening

22:35 Navigating Psychic Energies

27:22 Cleansing and Intentional Practices

27:58 Meeting Spirit Guides and Intuitive Development

31:57 Past Life Regression and Trauma

35:08 Psychedelics and Spiritual Awakening

46:45 Energy Cleansing and Light Language Activation


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📧 aisialovelight@gmail.com


This is not a gift. These are abilities. Anybody can learn them. Anybody can practice this. This is part of this human experience. I'm so excited today because we're interviewing Asia love and just looking at you, I can tell you, I see love coming from you. So I'm just going to keep absorbing and, and, and, uh, bathing in your love.

Um, But Asia Love is a psychic light worker with a bachelors in clinical psychology. She helps people heal with intuitive guidance and light language activation. She has recently started offering energy cleansing sessions. We are. Just so very excited to chat with you today about your journey and your new business.

Welcome to the podcast, Asia Love. Tell us more about yourself and about your psychic abilities. We're just, I'm just really, I want to hear all about it. So I was born in Palm Bay, Florida, lived there pretty much up until recently. So when I was two, my parents got divorced, so I had two homes since I was two years old that I went back and forth from.

In one of them I had just me and my older brother, and then the other one I had me and six other siblings, so I was the youngest of seven in one of my homes. So it's pretty chaotic if you can imagine 10 people in a house and animals and horses. So you had six siblings in your one of your homes and horses too.

Yes, birds at one point, bunch of dogs, cats, nice little five acre type of, not quite a farm, but like a I don't know. Did anyone in your family have psychic abilities? My dad, he wasn't really religious at all. Like he was just kind of kind of atheist. Basically. He didn't really know what to believe. He worked in the Catholic school when he was younger and stuff.

But before I was born about a year before I was born, my mom and my dad lost their one year old son. Yes. He drowned in our pool. So that was very devastating. So I was like the post. Devastation a child like I was like the healer child from birth in a sense because I came to kind of Refill this place in their heart that healed them Yeah, obviously I couldn't you know fill that place exactly but definitely helped and then they got divorced.

So uh my mom She's definitely very intuitive and i've always kind of had a feeling that She does have these abilities but she is christian But she was never really practicing Christian. Like she would just tell me when I was younger, Oh, we believe in God. We're Christian. That's that, you know, we didn't pray before meals.

We didn't go to church. It just like, was something that I wasn't supposed to question. I remember being, I think, eight years old. And I was like, mommy, how do we know that the Bible is real? Like, how do we know that somebody didn't just make it up and write this book? And she's like, cause we just do, we don't ask questions.

And I was like,

I was the kid who was constantly asking questions. Like, I asked every question you could imagine. I needed to know the answer to everything. Like, I probably talked my parents ear off. They would always tell me that, Oh, you were so much cuter before you could talk. Sure. I've always been curious about life and just everything.

But I also believe that everybody has these abilities. Like, I don't believe it's a gift. This is something that's kind of a new Change of thought for me like I kind of thought oh some people are gifted. I've been watching this podcast by Constance Mesmer is her name on YouTube. She's very strongly Says like this is not a gift.

These are abilities. Anybody can learn them Anybody can practice this. This is our this is part of this human experience part of this human experience is realizing these other senses And that's kind of this great awakening of the world is everybody slowly, but surely realizing that these abilities are something that we all have and allowing these abilities to come online.

So it's, it makes me really happy. Like. Like, it gives me a lot of peace, honestly, to realize that everybody has this, you know, and that anybody can learn this. So we just had a, uh, electricity go out completely, everything shut down. And so we had to restart it. I think it's a cue. I think I'm just going to ask you what kind of intuitive messages are you getting about the person here that's interviewing you right now?

Me, if any, maybe this was a cue, like, Yeah. All right. Let me see. Let's tune in. Do you have any specific questions? Anything that comes to you. Anything that, you know, my life is all over the place.

Okay. And it could be as weird as you want it. Like whatever weird things are coming up, it's all good with me. I see, of course, a lot of success. Like I see like a dollar signs around your head, like, like I just see very, yeah, just like such like a vibrant. energy to you. Like, I, your energy is so beautiful and your guides are so there for you constantly, constantly giving you signs and symbols.

I think you, you probably know this. You probably tune into your, your abilities. I try, but it's confusing sometimes. Sometimes it feels like there's too many signs and I'm like, Oh my God, I don't know what to do now. There's like this sign and now this one's contradicting a little bit, but then this one is like, go for it.

I'm like, forget it. I just get overwhelmed sometimes. Yeah, that's totally understandable. I'm honestly like a baby psychic, so I'm still coming into like my Certainty I guess with my abilities and like learning like what to listen to so pretty much It's a lot easier than you think like you just you just straight up ask like if you're hearing these two signs be like hey Yo, like The highest being that has my best interests in mind.

Please come forward and let me know. I'm hearing this and I'm hearing that. Which one is it? And just trust the first thing that comes. So I have, so we'll still use your psychic abilities because you're a baby psychic. That's what you're saying, but I think you're more advanced than what you know. Um, that's my psychic ability telling me this.

I have a very specific question. I have a decision to make. It's a decision about a pony and a donkey. Should I? Keep them have them or should I just forget about those two animals just just not get involved This is how I'm receiving it. So give one of them the letter a give one of them the letter B Okay, you can do it in your head.

You don't have to tell me which ones which okay, that was kind of funny I just heard I don't know

I heard a baby goat or something like that in the background. Oh, okay. It was like, meh. Okay, maybe it's a baby goat telling me yes for the animals. I'm going to say yes. I'm, uh, so it's two animals that either I'm going to buy or not buy. So what do you think? Yay or nay? What's coming to you? I feel like you know the answer already.

Yeah, I do. It's a, it's a, it's a yes. You know, it's I came. Yeah, so I mean, if I was to come on here and be like, no, like, what would you do? Oh, it's just say, it's gonna be a yes anyway.

I think that's what I really want to encourage and what I think like every psychic or whatnot should be encouraging right now. And this is during this like new age is for everybody to hone in on their own abilities like stressing the fact that like you don't need me like you have your own. Set of abilities that you can strengthen.

But I need you. You can't tell me I don't need you. Okay. So like, for example, psychics are very needed out there in the world because when we're going through difficult things in life, I went through a divorce. You could say it was, as far as a divorce goes, it was like completely not a stressful experience.

We didn't need lawyers. We, we got along. We basically just did a dissolution after nine years of being together. But yeah. But emotionally, it was one of the most stressful things that I ever went through. So when I was going through it and post, you know, going through it, I just went to a lot of psychics.

I just wanted to know that there's some kind of hope for me that, you know, that I'm not gonna die alone or whatever. So thank you for being out there. And, There's no baby psychics. We're just psychics and embrace your power. I know. I get hesitant to say that. I think it's still that kind of like imposter syndrome that comes in where I'm like, like, I know this for sure, but then it's like, but I kind of just started really like owning it.

So maybe, you know, but I mean, in reality, I've been really working on this for almost 10 years. So, I mean, You know, I just think of, you know, these, these older psychics that come on and there's certainty they've been doing this for 30, 40 years. So that's why I say baby, cause I just want to, I don't want to be humble, you know.

Here's the thing though. I think when, when we're starting out with anything, we do feel that imposter syndrome because we think someone else has better knowledge or knows more, they're more experienced, they, they're an expert in something and we start to minimize our own skills and our own set of. very unique talents.

And so in that way, we are taking and chipping away at our own worthiness, our own importance, our own uniqueness, right? And in that way, I'm here to tell you, you're a wonderful psychic. And even when, when messages come to you, when you doubt yourself, you may not share them with someone because you think to yourself, well, that's a little too crazy to share.

And sometimes that one crazy thing is exactly what that person needs. Sometimes a message or a thought. intuitive reading that you're doing for someone. It's not there to predict the future necessarily, but to help shift someone into a different gear to help them go into the direction maybe that they're meant to go in.

So, hey, it's all good. You can say whatever crazy things you want that come to you and You are at least a toddler, not a baby. That was a, that was a little teasing. When did you first discover that you had a psychic ability or did you just kind of jump into it or did you start predicting things or how did it come about?

When I was younger, I would always go out on my, on my land and talk to the trees and play fairy garden. And I have always been very like mystical in a sense, like loved fairies, loved all. All things magical, mystical. Um, at one point my brother had told me when I was young, maybe six, around six, like. Don't tell anybody, but like you have magic powers and like, so do I, and you have to embrace them and people will make you think that you don't, but you do.

And that's something that really stuck with me. And after that I would always be like trying to move stuff with my mind and be trying to do these different things because he told me that. And I was like, I believe it. Like somewhere deep inside, I was like, I feel like that's true. And then as I got older, one thing that I remember is I would go to work with my dad and he would tell me And he would have somebody who's like, just got hired or something, and I would be like, I was like, 10, 11, so for 1, there was a couple of times that I saw some people walking through.

The mausoleums and stuff. And then I'm like, do a double take. And I try to look and like, I don't see anybody there anymore, but I had seen like an old man walking by. So I always felt a lot of energy at his job. And then his employees, I would just be like, they're not going to make it. Like, they're not going to last.

Sorry, dad. And he'd be like, what? And he started really like asking me about, what do you think about them? Do you think they're going to do well? Do you think they're going to stick around? I'd be like, Oh yeah, they're good. They're going to stick around. Um, No, they probably won't last long. And I was always right.

So I think I always kind of took pride in the fact that like I was able to sense somebody's being, sense somebody's energy and things like that. I never called it psychic or anything like that. Intuition more or less. Yeah, yeah, I would say so. When I got a little bit older into like middle school, high school, like, I feel like at some point I kind of went away from that, was focusing on more materialistic things and stuff like that.

I never super felt like I fit in anywhere in my group of friends or anything like that. I always kind of felt like the outcast. One day, suddenly, like I'm in P. E. class. It's kind of a crazy story. So. I looked at this one guy, and all of a sudden, his entire life, like, flashed into my mind, like, in like a split second.

Imagine a movie about somebody, and the entire movie, but it was in one second, I just instantly got it. And the crazy thing was, that the movie about this guy, was that he was like, psychopath energy. So it was really scary for me because like at this time I was not, I'm pretty sure at this point I was like atheist.

Like I was like nothing's out there. Nothing exists. Like I, I was going through my, my depression and my teenage depression and just like, oh, nothing's real. So this was crazy for me. I was like, what just happened? And suddenly I'm like so scared of this guy because I didn't doubt it. I was like this is real What I just saw was real like I saw him He was living in like a basement of a house of his mom's house and he was sitting in the basement and he was just like With these crazy eyes just staring up like, da da da da da da, and just scanning, like, going through, like, every single person that he had seen, seeing if they were nice and if they were mean, he was, like, taking note of, like, all these people obsessively.

And then his mom came down like, Oh, honey, I've got some, some lunch for you. And he's like, Gosh, Mom, can't you knock? And he, like, snapped on her and she's like, Oh, okay, honey, like, sorry. Mm hmm. There was so much more, too. I felt, like, the trauma, like, I felt like, This trauma where his dad was abusive to his mother, but he looked up to his dad and he loved his dad because his dad was good to him.

At some point his dad had left and he always blamed his mom for his dad leaving and he felt abandoned. He didn't feel abandoned by his dad necessarily, he felt like his mom had kicked his dad out and so he hated her for it, but obviously his mom was the one who always cared for him, but he had that resentment against her.

So I saw all of this in a second about this kid. And it was super weird because this kid was the type who was like overly nice for lunch every day He would hold the door open for the first 20 minutes of lunch watches Everybody went inside and that's what I saw in my vision was him taking note who said thank you who didn't this who that?

I'm, pretty sure I told like one of my friends and she was like What do you mean? Like he's so nice. What are you talking about? Like, he's, he's such a cool guy. In a volleyball class, he would be like, overachieving, like, yeah, come on guys! Like, he would talk to the teacher, he was super nice to the teacher, he held the door open, so he seemed like this nice, nice guy.

What do you mean he's so nice and I'm like kind of freaking out at this point. I'm like what's going on There's something wrong with this guy and nobody believes me. So I started just watching him one time Somebody on his team had served the ball and it hit the net and fell down and he goes Just like says some super something super aggressive like oh what the f was that or something like that and I look around and i'm like And nobody heard him.

Nobody's looking at him. Nobody's reacting. I'm the only one who heard it. And I'm like, and then he's like, he looks around. He goes, I mean, good, good job. Good try. Good try. And I was like,

I'm right. This is real. Nobody's seen this. It's so interesting how people that are What you just described, you know, narcissistic sometimes, they will create a persona to project to the world and many people won't notice or won't realize that that's what's going on. I remember when me and my ex husband, we had sort of like this big house and in the basement there was a finished apartment and we rented it to someone.

And this guy was like the nicest guy in his, I would say, maybe mid fifties. And one day I was at home, usually I wasn't home, and I overheard him talk to his kids. And And it was such a heartbreaking experience. This guy was talking down to his kids in such a just awful way, breaking them down, just, just degrading them.

Just, it wasn't physical, it was emotional. Abuse, I would call it. I felt so uncomfortable and so helpless like I knew that these kids were just So mistreated by what he was saying and they were so quiet You would never see kids this quiet. I always felt like something was wrong because The kids would act very controlled, very like, not like kids, like little adults that were just so controlled.

But then I was always like, well, but this guy's so nice, you know, like, and then when I heard it, it all made sense. Just, just this guy was so abusive behind the scenes. Probably no one would ever know. He just acted like the nicest guy, you know, he would open the doors, he would smile. He had that kind of quiet demeanor.

You would never know. Just gut feelings sometimes. Yeah. That's why you have to go by your gut, that first instinct. I feel like so much of my life, I would have that first instinct about somebody. And then I would get to know them a little bit and then I'd be like, oh, I'm just judging them I'm probably judging them because they're this or because they're that or because they're this i'm being judgmental I need to not be so judgmental and then come to find out later down the line My intuition was right and they weren't a good person for me Definitely listening to that first gut instinct and not doubting and not doubting that like oh, maybe i'm being judgmental Yeah, it's in our nature to like judge people, but I don't think that's that first I don't think that's what that's about.

I think you're right. It's like, we pick up that energy sometimes from people and we don't listen to it. So many times I would go out on a dates with guys and, and I would be like, sit down and I get a vibe, like you said, and then you get to know them a little bit and you're like, Oh, they're not that bad.

But that first instinct is like, You know, like, no, I don't want to go out with you again. But then they talk and you're like, Oh, they're okay. You know? And then later on, like three, four months down the road, you're like, yeah, I was right. Didn't listen to myself again. Definitely. Did anything happen with this dude?

I was telling a bunch of people about this. A lot of people were like, Oh, you're crazy. Everyone always saw me as like the crazy girl anyways. Like I was somebody who was very outspoken. Like if I had something on my mind, like skit, if I felt some way about somebody, like. Some people thought I was weird, and I was crazy.

Because I was just a lot. Finally, this one guy, I was like, I told him about it, and I'm like exhausted from telling so many people, and they're not believing me. I'm expecting him to say the same. And he's like, hmm. He's like, yeah, I could see that. I'm like, really? You could see him? You could see that too?

He's like, yeah, totally. And then I ended up dating that kid for the next three years. Well, you gotta date the guys that agree with you, you know? Yeah, I don't know. I think that, I think that sold it for me that he believed me. That was, that was enough. So he ended up getting interviewed by the newspaper, the school newspaper, asking, so why do you hold the door open for lunch every day?

And he says, oh, I like to take note of who says thank you, who smiles, who this, who that, literally exactly what I saw. In your vision. So one time, I don't remember what the. event was, but his mom was there with him. Guess what? That same woman that I pictured in my mind and that same exact energy. Mom, stop it.

Oh, okay, sweetie, like super submissive mother and him kind of taking control. I was right and I was confirmed for that feeling. So then it started happening to me with everybody. More powerfully, strangers. Everybody I would look at, boom. Their whole life. Their whole life. What is going on? It was like something I couldn't control.

It was just everybody that I would meet or look at. So one time I was in the shower. All of a sudden I just start thinking about my mom. And then my mom's life. Starts coming to me and mind you when this is coming to me. It's as if I am them. So it's not I'm watching their life I'm experiencing their traumas.

They're everything like I feel it as if I'm them going through it I start thinking of my mom and I start receiving her life and it was a lot for me It's probably also because of that how close that connection is between mother and child And I was just like in the shower. I'm like, stop. And then stops.

Isn't that amazing? So I can relate to this so much. It doesn't happen to me the way you're describing it. But what happened to me was with one person, I had a crush on a guy, I called unrequited love experience and I would literally get And I went through like these floods of like connecting and like going through something that he was feeling or and I couldn't confirm it.

But it would just feel or I would have dreams where I think I was going through what he was going through. Like I was myself but experiencing something that he was. But it only happened with like one person. And every time I get overwhelmed and I say like stop or like no I don't want this anymore. It all stops.

But then I feel disconnected. So then I'm like, you know, it's like you shut it off, you shut off everything. Because you have free will, so you have the ability to just stop receiving this information if you want. You have the ability to not experience any of these psychic senses if you choose. In the same regard, you can also choose to receive them if you, if you want to.

And if you want to strengthen them, you can. It's really as simple as just asking, like, hey, I'm trying to strengthen these abilities. And just making sure you're tuning into the right energy, because that's something that I've learned that's been really important, because along my path of becoming psychic, I think there was a lot of times where I wasn't plugged into Source, and I wasn't channeling through Source, and connecting through Source, and using Source energy to heal, and it was very draining.

I probably let some stuff in to my field that was, you know, Would have been better off not in my field. So I think that's what's given me this confidence. Cause I think for a while I was open to more than I would have liked to be. Without knowing just because I didn't know any better, but now that I know, and I'm strictly working for source, working for God, working for divine spirit, working for whatever you want to call it, I don't have that fear anymore.

I don't feel like I have to shut it off because I know that my connection is clear and it's not going to be inviting any of this other yucky stuff in. I like to use tarot cards every once in a while. Or I should say I liked to use tarot cards once in a while. And then I got freaked out one day because I had a dream.

So I would get like all kinds of different messages for tarot. One day I had this dream where I was being almost like, Not haunted, but like guided by like low, like humans that were very undeveloped, like very like, so when I woke up, I was like, Oh, like, it's almost like these undeveloped energies are leading me and they were trying to imprison me.

So they were putting chains on me. They were trying to chain me. So like, so they were trying to guide me. In ways that would chain me or harm me. So when I woke up, I was like, Oh, well, I guess I was not very, um, good about, or not very clear about my intention when sitting down and guarding myself from lower vibe energies.

And so I was inviting them and they were connecting to me, doing me harm. So ever since then, I'm like, well, I, you know, I just, can't like force myself to do it again because I'm scared I'm going to invite these lower vibing energies and I don't want to do that, you know. That's completely understandable and I think that is where a lot of like, probably more fundamentalist people see psychics and mediums and they say, Oh, they're demons or they're channeling demons and all this stuff.

I get where that's coming from because that's what they're taught, but it is also a possibility if you're not intentional. about what you do. If you're, you know, a kid just using tarot cards, using a pendulum, using whatever, and just for fun, and you don't know that you have to intentionally only receive guidance from the highest beings, and only receive guidance from God directly, from the angels, from whatever, the higher realms, then you might be getting these answers and these guidance from these other beings.

And you can call that tricksters. I like that a lot better than demons, because demons is more like, not all tricksters are demons. Because a lot of times, so what happens is after you die, you go through this process there where you relive your life, you review your life, the life kind of like what you did with your vision, you know, that split second, it's all coming to you at once.

That's exactly what happens when we die too. Yep. Yep. So you go through that life revision and then from there, you know, you would think a lot of evolved. souls will understand and be able to move on from there and cross over to the other side. But sometimes they'll choose to stick around and if they stick around and linger around too long, then they kind of get lost.

It's like this lost energy because they're no longer like hooked up to force. So that's when they'll go to somebody like you, who's playing with tarot cards without being intentional and be like, Oh, like let's mess with her. Yes, like they want me pictures They just want to mess around with people just because it's like they're bored and it's that's exactly what that dream felt You know and in my dream every time they would put a chain on me or try to chain me down I would like wiggle out of it and so I would see through their schemes and through their games.

And then I was like, whatever you're doing, I'm telling your boss. So in the dream, I was opening the door to tell the boss and the boss was like this big woman that was kind of very, very aggressive and negative. And I was, it was hard for me to speak up in the dream because I knew she would like lash out or hurt me.

So I was like, I can see your games, and you're trying to imprison me, and this is not gonna go over well. I'm gonna fight you. Then she gets up from her chair, and she's going towards me, and I know my ass is gonna get kicked. And, like, I wake up, you know. But then I'm like, I'm not messing with these tarot cards for a while.

I need, like, some cleansing. Which, there you are. You can cleanse me a little bit. Maybe I'll get better spirits around me that can guide me towards the light, you know. Yeah, definitely. And just being intentional just before you pull that deck out, close your eyes, tune in the highest being that has my best interest in mind come through to deliver me a clear message.

That's it. That's all you have to do. You say it, you can even say it in your head. I think there's like a lot of these things, but you have to say it out loud. You have to do it this way. You have to do it that way. And eventually as you get. better at it that just happens in a split second you're just instantly you know better.

Asia you're like the coolest person to talk to so I always try to meet my my spirit uh guardian angels and I always try to get these messages and I believe in synchronicities and like things happening that are supposed to lead you a certain way. One of the books I like to read is How to Meet and Work with Spirit Guides.

Have you ever met Spirit Guides or have you ever like had more messages for you or for other people that are just like you hear it or you see it. That kind of leads me into the next part of my story. So basically I took intuitive development courses. So what that was is this place called Aquarian Dreams back where I'm from.

This beautiful purple building has a crystal door, just like, I call it the mothership. It's just like such beautiful energy. So they offer an eight week course where each week you learn different abilities. So one week was meeting your spirit guides, past life regression, psychic surgery, x ray vision, aura reading, like the list goes on.

Like it's so much stuff covered in that course. We did a lot. a an experience where she basically guided us through meditation where we met with each of our spirit guides and we were taken into a regression to kind of Meet them personally and at the time I was still in a place where I wasn't super Confident in my abilities like I even at the time didn't think I was very visual which like looking back now I'm very very visual and I've always been very visual I just didn't understand that those pictures in your mind are visuals Like I thought that clairvoyance being a visual psychic was just like you would see them physically in this reality So I thought oh, that's not me.

I don't see them but no, it's literally just like a thought like if you are to think of Oh, think of a tree in your mind. You see a tree. That's exactly how psychic visions come in. It's just like something in your mind, but it's your mind's eye. So I do remember meeting my specific spirit guides and that, that same teacher that I had, I remember asking her one time, like, I want to know my spirit guides, like what, I want to know what their name, like, who are they?

Cause I want to connect with them more deeply. And she was like, Oh, and I said, you're not ready yet. She's somebody who very much. wants to encourage you to develop and figure these things out on your own. So I think that's part of it. While on MDMA, actually, I did, like, some automatic writing. It basically was saying, Master Guide, Esther, and then it also said, The Green Man, something about that.

Basically, it said, like, what you're here to do. Like, you're here to end, um, these cycles of greed and guilt and this and that, and stuff about abuse. Like, I've always felt like, That in my abilities, that's always like a big thing that stands out. Like when I'm seeing people's lives, a lot of what I'm seeing is the trauma and the darkness.

Like that's kind of, that's kind of one of the first things I see in people is like that pain. It's come to a place now where it's not, it's not so extreme and I'm not so affected by it. When my gifts were first, or my abilities were first developing, that's kind of. What it was was very trauma centric like so I think that was another reason it was so hard because it was like I would feel this pain of so many people that's something that i'm still Honestly navigating is my spirit guides and knowing specifically like what's their names?

What do they look like? So this book right here messages from the masters. This is a beautiful book about it's by brian weiss He's a psychiatrist And he does hypnosis and through his hypnosis practice. He You Got into past life regression stuff like that. So this book is messages from the master. So it's a lot more focused on Masters and I've been reading this book for like that's okay.

You know what? I take a long time sometimes to read books. Sometimes I stop in the middle they come back to it because It takes a while to process stuff, and so it's better to take your time than to rush for something. But I don't know if you had this experience, so like if your psychic abilities were triggered by something, but for example for me, the unrequited love experience triggered me to remember Like, at least three or four past lives.

So like, I would go into this meditative state, and it would spontaneously start coming to me. Like, the details of how I met this person before, what we've done, how we were impacted by one another. I just find it fascinating, you know, that, uh, our lives Right now makes sense based on some of the things that happened to us in our past life.

So it's almost like this perfect detective story. If you really start tracing it, you will know exactly why you have the challenges that you have in this life because of some unfinished business in another life you have to come back to finish blows my mind every day. Yeah, a great example of that in this book talks about one regression that he was doing And it was a lady, she was claustrophobic.

So I had severe claustrophobia. And he took her into this regression, and when she went into her past life regression, she was actually a slave or servant of an Egyptian king. And what they did back in the day was they would bury their slaves or servants alive. With the kings, because they believed that they had to be alive in order to go into the, to the next life with them.

So, she was actually buried alive in this little coffin in her past life, and that's how she died. And now in this life, she was claustrophobic because of that traumatic event. And just simply going through that regression and realizing that that's where the root of it was. After that regression, she came back out and she was cured.

She didn't have claustrophobia. Isn't that beautiful? And there's so many things like that. It's beautiful. Yeah. Do you remember some of your past lives? During that course, uh, we did do past life regression. I was in the seventies. So it must have been my most previous last past life. I'm assuming I was in the 70s.

My name was Maria I was about in my 70s and I had a lover. His name was Ricardo and we Traveled in a van. I remember being in Arizona and one of the visions. I was in Arizona We were traveling in a van and we were Doing energy healing in this van and traveling the country in this van and he was my soulmate the love of my life She led us to our death in that life, just throughout the life, like going on and on and on.

And my death in the life, I, I was laying on a bed in like a hut. So it must have been somewhere, you know, probably not the Western world. Laying in like a little hut in this comfy little bed. My whole family was around me. Ricardo was there holding my hand. I had children. And I just closed my eyes and just went.

went into the next life. Psychedelics must have been used, uh, during that life. So maybe, you know. Yeah, so you were saying, talking about what triggered your kind of abilities. For me, honestly, it was psychedelics that triggered it. When I was receiving, when I was in middle school receiving those things from people, I would call them high pressions.

Because I actually would come to school after I smoked weed, and that's when it would be so powerful. After that, I was super interested in this world. I started looking on YouTube at these spiritual people. I knew nothing about spirituality really before this. So then I came across like things about mushrooms and psychedelics, and I was super intrigued.

So when I was 16, I managed to get my hands on some mushrooms. And me and two of my other friends, we did some mushrooms and both of them, one of them was like sick, throwing up, not having a good time. The other one, she didn't really feel anything. Me, I was like crying and I just, it wasn't like anything super trippy or anything like that.

I just felt heard because this was after so many people were telling me, Oh, you're crazy. Oh, you're this. Oh, you're that. And the mushrooms were just like holding me and telling me like, no, this is your path. Like this is. Your life like you are just it. This is you, you know, and it was just so reassuring like obviously I can't remember exactly like kind of because it was more of a feeling it wasn't quite like words But it was just something holding me telling me like you're not crazy like you and it just everything made sense Like suddenly my brain like everything clicked and I was like, oh my gosh, like I'm not crazy What's happening to me is real what's happening to me is legit And I just felt so at peace with life and with everything, and it's so interesting that two people who did the same amount as me had completely different experiences.

My one friend was like, oh yeah, I kind of feel it. And then the other one was, You know, it's, it's so amazing to me that our brain actually has the receptors for the, for the mushrooms, you know, and that it has been done for, for just generations and generations. And we've kind of made it into something terrible and bad.

Uh, and now we're going back to kind of being like, oh, you know, maybe it's not that bad. Maybe it can have some medicinal use and maybe it can actually help people. So I'm so happy we're turning and. Making that shift to actually utilizing psilocybin to be therapeutic. Yes, I definitely think it's so helpful.

I do think, like, I do want to put a disclaimer, a caveat. I don't think it's for everybody, necessarily. I don't think everybody's ready for it. I definitely don't think 16 year olds should be doing it like how I did. That's just my path and it worked for me, but I, I also don't even believe that everybody needs psychedelics to achieve spiritual enlightenment.

I think it's one of those things that like, if you're meant to experience it at a certain time, you will regardless of what happens. So even if I didn't do psychedelics, I'm sure I would have ended up there one way or another. Just for me, I was someone who was always very interested, very driven. You know, there's some people who are like, eh, I've never really been interested.

That doesn't sound too exciting to me. And there's other people that they've been seeking this out. Yeah. And I also know people that were similar to me who seek this out. And now they're, they're addicts. They're, you know, they don't have, they can't hold a job. They're not mentally stable. They're, they're not doing well.

So it's definitely not for everybody. But for me, it was definitely a huge part of my journey. And even the first time that I did acid, so LSD, I was 17, and I, well, I had done it one time before, like a microdose, but honestly, I feel like it was a research chemical or something, because it just wasn't the same.

My skin felt salty, and I just felt, like, energized. I don't know. I don't think that was it. I begged my mom to let me go to this music festival. I was very sheltered. I wasn't really allowed to do stuff by myself. I couldn't go to the mall by myself. I couldn't go to the movies by myself. I had to, they had to talk to any parents before I could go to their house.

Like, mm hmm. How are you smoking weed? Yeah, exactly. How are you smoking weed? Exactly what Sophie just said. I was a sneaky little thing. So you went to a music festival. Eventually, after they talked to everybody. Yeah, so I finally convinced her to let me go to this festival, but she said you can only go one day, only one night.

It was like a three day thing. So I went this one night, and she's like, and don't do any drugs. So I went, and I went to a couple, there was like this light worker tent there, that I went and I did a couple of their, meditations and different exercises that they had going on that day. And then after the two friends that I had came with, they're like, Oh, you want to do tab now?

And like, you know, I'm scared, whatever, but I didn't know what I was getting into. I just went for it. So I started going in first thing that happens. I'm like feeling the music in my body. I'm dancing. I'm going, I'm like, Ooh, feeling it. Every move. Suddenly I became a professional dancer. And then kind of like the paranoia started to kick in like I would see somebody and I would think they were like trying to steal me and i'm like Like everybody was scaring me.

I thought everyone was gonna kidnap me Like I didn't trust anybody and I think that has a lot to do with That's part of the reason my mom didn't want me to go My mom didn't want me to go because she was scared that something would happen to me. I'm only 17 She doesn't know these people i'm going with somebody could snatch me up, you know, the worst Worst thoughts that a parent would have So I think that's kind of what I was living and experiencing.

That's something that was always in my head from a child, from my parents. So that's the first thing I didn't trust anybody. I kept trying to find my friend, like save me, save me. And then suddenly I. I went to, they had like a tripsitter tent, so it was where somebody who's sober was there, had beanbags and tapestries and calm music and water, and you could go there and be tripsat.

So if you're having a bad time or anything, you could go to this tent and chill out. So I had lost my friend and I, I had to go. I was freaking out. I went to this tent. And talk to this lady and I started like, I started crying and I'm like, my mom told me not to do any drugs, but I did acid, what do I do? I felt so guilty and my mom had texted me and I didn't know how to text her back because I was just like, too far gone.

And I just felt so guilty and so bad and she's like, that's okay, it's because you love your mom. I'm like, yeah. I just had a super like, Emotional release crying about it. She's like here. We're just gonna send your mom this message. It sounds good I'm gonna click send I'm gonna turn your phone off I'm gonna say call your friend if you need me and I'm gonna hold on to your phone and you go have a good time So I was like really you sure you sure she's like, yeah, yeah go So I after staying there for like two hours trying to like getting out of this loop trying to get my head straight again I ran off And just went and had an amazing time.

And then I got called towards the lightworker tent. So as soon as I walk into the lightworker tent. Like, I felt like everybody was like looking at me. It was almost the vibe of like, if you walked in on somebody doing drugs or something like that type of energy where they're like, like, it's not like, okay, this is weird.

But I just like went in, they were doing like playing with the tank drums and doing little music stuff. So I like come and sit down still. I feel like everybody's staring at me. I'm like, what the heck is going on? These girls in the corner with their tarot cards are like looking at me like And I'm just like, okay.

So then they hand me a tank drum. Just, and I'm like, okay, playing the tank drum. Still feel like everyone's like watching me for some reason. This girl comes up to me and she's like, she's like, hello. Like, what's your name? And I was like, Asia. She's like, Asia? And I'm like, yeah, Asia, like the continent. And she goes, Asia?

Like the continent? She starts busting into laughter. And then I start busting into laughter. And then this other guy starts busting into laughter. Then the whole, everybody in the tent started busting into laughter. And it was like, we all like, transmuted into this other realm. We were all like, in this laughter dimension and it was like such a high and so amazing everyone just like just this straight euphoric energy and just feeling like lifted and slowly one by one the people were falling off stopping laughing stop laughing stop laughing and in the end it was just me the original girl and the the other guy that had all started laughing in the beginning and we're still laughing and then like we stop we eventually stop and that girl comes up to me and she's like Get to my face and she's like, you've just received everything correctly.

You've received an immense amount of light. . What the hell? Then we have like a sound off. She's like, . Oh gosh. And I'm just going back and we're going back and forth, back and forth. That is so funny. It was amazing. And this is before I even like knew what. the spiritual world was about or anything. And so we're just going back and forth and this like euphoric sound exchange and then she just hugs me and we just hug and again it's this intense, intense exchange.

Alisha, is this anything like your mushroom journey? No, no, that's, that's just That's next level shit. Yeah looking back on it now like of course there's times I've looked back on it and thought like oh, that's probably just like my psychedelic mind thinking that it was all about me but like looking back on it like I do feel like for some reason these people who were already at this higher frequency saw Me and like eventually throughout the night I kind of shifted into their frequency and that's why it was kind of confirmed that they were all like waiting for me Like they knew that I was coming And even the owners of the ranch, this was like the most intense experience.

The owners from the ranch came, and they were, they were from somewhere. They were from Russia, Poland, somewhere. And they were the owners of this giant ranch. They came in one, they had giant sound bowls. They had giant whatever. And they just came in, sat with me. What's your name? Like just the most intense energy.

And then they just started playing these instruments and all throughout the night. I would suddenly get this, this laughter and like that same girl who I originally started laughing with, she's way off in the distance and she's laughing too. We all like raise up to this place. Yep, and we're all hearing I'm hearing it again Like we just keep going back up into this like frequency together.

It was just like This crazy experience of feeling something I've never felt before. Sounds like it was something like a stepping stone experience for you. Like you needed this experience to keep going on your, on your journey, to keep going in the right direction, spirituality. Yeah. It was like saying like, you are meant to do this.

Like you are. Special and like, not in like a, you know, I still struggle with saying that because I don't want to seem like, you know, but like you are chosen in a sense to do this work and to be in this community. And it was just such a profound experience. Like, I was so high on life, even after the come down of everything.

I stayed up all night talking to these people to like, 8 a. m. sharing our experience and who we are and what we do. And they're asking me. Oh, have you done this? Have you done that? And I'm. new to this world, but they've obviously been in a while for a while. So yeah, that was definitely one of the most intense experiences.

And since then I've had many, many more very similar to it. I know you do energy cleansings and you are psychic. Uh, if someone wants to sign up for your services, how does your session typically go? If there's a typical. It's still something that's pretty new. So it's really intuitively led. So I had a meeting with another.

Person that I really look up to recently and she's kind of the one that was like Communicating directly with my guides like they say you're ready. They say stop messing around just go for it She said just go with the flow and that's honestly the message that I had gotten to so there's like a general basis of it So I do five minute energy clearings and that's just something short and affordable for everyone and it's still super effective Basically, I just open your energy field I take out any of that gunk, send it off into the light, fill you with divine white light, close up your energy field, and it's like a quick thing.

And then there's 30 minute version of that where I'm doing the same thing, except once I'm done clearing your energy, I'm providing intuitive guidance. So any questions, anything that you're curious about, I'll tune in, tune into my guides, connect with your guides, and give whatever information. And then again, an hour version of that.

The hour version I would imagine I'm probably going to be doing a little bit more in depth depth of a clearing versus the five minute being just five minutes because I'm sure I could go for so long like at this once we've been this far in our life there's probably a lot of gunk that we've developed in our body and that's kind of how I see it there's like all these little tar entities like stuck inside like this place because basically when something happens in your life creates this wound when you're young you might not know how to heal this wound you You make excuses for it, you make boundaries for it, but then throughout your life, different things, different gunk, different stagnant energy can stuff itself in that wound because of it.

So you have to clear out all the stuff out of the wound before you can fully heal up the wound. I also offer a light language activation. So light language is something that's been a part of my life for a while. Basically, I'm just gonna Tell the person about light language what it is if they have any questions about it So light language, it's basically like the language of the soul Like words have these meanings attached to them these ideas these feelings Light language doesn't light language is just purely from the soul It's basically my soul speaks directly to your soul without any judgment without any Any barriers up against it?

So it's like when you were a kid Did you ever just like speak gibberish like when you're a kid you just had like your own language I still do made up I will say and I know i'm on the in the background But sometimes I just have to chime in but um when I write songs It usually comes to me in gibberish first and I have the melody And then and then I go back and then I like Basically translated into Yeah, that's that's how I write like i'll be like And then i'll be like I got something i'm gonna tell you or something So that's how I like do it.

She's very creative. I love that. Yeah, so Like sophie, she's just intuitively using lightly. It's just like from the heart and everybody sounds different. It sounds a little weird. It sounds a little crazy. If you don't know what it is, if you've never heard it before, you'll probably be like, what? This is weird.

But then you'll start feeling it in your body, feeling these sensations. So basically I do a light language activation where I'm intentionally sending this light language to you that's meant to activate the light language within you. And then I basically guide the person to join in to me after a while or ask them how they felt.

How did that make you feel? What sensations did you get? And then I say, okay, now I'm going to do more light language. And I want you to join in with me and just do whatever feels natural. Don't judge yourself. Just let it out. Just let it all out. And then I take a second for them to do the light language themselves and for them to just let it off their heart and open their throat up for them.

That's pretty much how it's worked so far, but I think for every person, I feel like it will be unique and I'll just kind of tune into their energy and what they specifically need and just go based off that, like guide, okay. based off how the energy flows. Do you ever use tarot cards or any other, uh, crystals or any other?

I mainly work with oracle cards. I like them a little bit better. Um, I have done tarot in the past, but it's just, I just, I don't know, I never got super into tarot. We are getting close to the segment called Naked Truth. We can all share a Naked Truth that we had while we were talking. It could be a quote, it could be anything.

Uh, for me, Naked Truth is, for today, Let me think. I'm thinking. I'm thinking. I'm thinking. We are all so interconnected. And what I love about developing psychic abilities and connecting with the source, with God, um, I like that whether we do it through psilocybin, through meditation, through prayer, through uh, some other means.

I, I love to transcend into that state of mind where I can notice the oneness with everything around me. Because when you're in your regular awake mode, day to day mode, it is sometimes so hard to notice how interconnected we truly are, how we are, how we are one. And when you're in this other state. You can feel all that love.

You can feel all that oneness with everything around you. And it's so beautiful, but when you're not in that state, it makes completely no sense. It's like that gibberish. It's like, it makes absolutely no sense when you're not in that state of mind and people won't understand it unless they can feel it at some point of their lives.

And that's why I am, you know, I'm so happy that. research world and science is experimenting now and, uh, and opening the world up to psilocybin because it's such a beautiful, beautiful medicine. Okay. So for my naked truth, it's an excerpt from this book that I'm reading. The rain falls on the weeds as well as the flowers and the sun shines on prisons as well as churches.

God's light does not discriminate and neither should ours. There is not one path, one way, one church, one ideology. There is only one light. When the fences come down, all the flowers can bloom together in a garden of unparalleled magnificence and Eden on earth. Beautiful. I felt called to say that when you were saying your little blip because it's so true.

There's just one and it's love and it's the one thing that ties it all together. Feel it so much better when you're in that meditative. transcendent state, you know, or use psilocybin to get there or meditation or whatever it is. But then when you're not, you forget it all. And, uh, one of my journeys, I, uh, I, I literally was giggling for 10 minutes and saying, Oh my God, I forgot it again.

We're all one, you know, I was giggling about it. It was so funny because I forgot it. That's great. Yes. Definitely. The goal is to like be in that state for As much of our lives as possible like that's kind of what I feel like has been happening through my spiritual journey is like more and more. It's been easier to get into that state.

Yes, easier to stay in that state. And I think that's what pretty much a psychic is somebody who's able to tap into that state quickly or easily or somebody who's able to remain in that state for a majority of the time because I'm not always in that state. Of course, of course, I'm not. I don't always remember and I forget sometimes, but the goal is to remember as often as possible and always go back to that in every scenario.

Absolutely. Sophie, what is your naked truth today? Sophie's behind the scenes. She, she's hiding over there. Because I didn't plan on speaking, but then it was so fun, I know, now you have to. To listen to my gut more, which is usually, I feel like that's a theme that always comes back, and then I forget, and then I remember, and then I, you know, it's just a constant practice of remembering to Tune in and actually like ask like, okay, I'm open.

I want to see what comes through and tune in to source instead of the trickster Thank you for being on our naked truth podcast. Thank you for having me. I'm so so grateful I'm so happy. I get to share my story with a larger audience And how can we how can folks find you? My YouTube is Asia Love A-I-S-I-A-L-O-V-E.

My Instagram is Asia Love Light, so Asia love spelled the same way, but just light added at the end. My email for any inquiries is Asia Love light@gmail.com. Spelled the same way, no spaces. We loved having you on this podcast. We hope you return and we wish you just. Wonderful things to happen in the future with your business and with inspiring the world to go to a higher vibration.

Thank you so much. Same to you. Thank you for having me. It was so amazing. So nice to meet you.


Episode 103: Plastic Surgeon Secrets (From BBLs to Ozempic) with Dr. Fernando Colon MD


Episode 101: Meditation, Ghosts, Waxing